The difference between capacitive screen and resistive screen


The capacitive screen is a four-layer composite glass screen. The inner surface of the glass screen and the interlayer are each coated with a layer of ITO. The outermost layer is a protective layer of silica glass with a thickness of only 0.0015mm. Four electrodes, the inner layer of ITO is the screen layer to ensure the working environment.

Advantages of capacitive screens:

1. It can be multi-touch. Now the multi-touch capacitive screen used on IP can only realize the simultaneous touch of two points, and it will develop into three points, four points, and N points in the future.

2. High positioning accuracy.

Disadvantages of capacitive screen:

1. Capacitive screen more major drawback is drift: when the ambient temperature, humidity changes, the environmental electric field changes, will cause the capacitive screen drift, resulting in inaccuracy. For example: the temperature of the display after the boot will cause drift: the user touches the screen while the other hand or body - side near the display will drift; capacitive touch screen near larger objects will drift after moving, you touch if someone comes around to watch will also cause drift; capacitive screen drift causes are technically inherent deficiencies, the environmental potential surface (including the user's body) although far away from the capacitive touch screen, but much larger than the fingertip area, they directly affect the determination of the touch position.

2. The capacitive screen can only sense the touch of objects with bioelectricity, such as fingers, and the influence of the surrounding environment on him is fatal. If your fingers are sweaty, the capacitive screen may no longer be able to provide you with services. If you In a bathroom full of steam, or a sauna, the capacitive screen may be on strike, and if you try to operate the capacitive screen with other objects (such as stylus, toothpicks, cotton swabs, etc.), he will not give you any response .


A resistive touch screen is a sensor that converts the physical position of a touch point (X,Y) in a rectangular area into a voltage representing the X and Y coordinates. Many LCD modules use resistive touch screens, which can use four, five, seven or eight wires to generate screen bias voltage and read back the voltage at the touch point at the same time. The resistive touch screen is basically a structure of film and glass. The adjacent sides of the film and glass are coated with ITO coating. ITO has good conductivity and transparency. When touch operation, the ITO on the lower layer of the film will touch the ITO on the upper layer of the glass, and the corresponding electrical signal will be transmitted through the sensor, sent to the processor through the conversion circuit, and converted into the X and Y values on the screen through calculation, and the point is completed. The selected action is displayed on the screen.

Advantages of resistive screens:

1. The cost is cheap and the response sensitivity is also very good.

2. Can adapt to various harsh environments, under any circumstances (such as going to the toilet, taking a bath, taking a sauna), in any environment (such as raining, snowing, high temperature, ultra-low temperature), using anything (such as nails, toothpicks, lighters, tongue) can accurately touch the resistive screen.

Disadvantages of resistive screens:

1. It can only be single-touch, which means that you can only touch one place at a time. If you touch another place, it will have no effect.

2. Due to the need for a certain pressure on the resistive screen, it is easy to cause surface wear after a long time and affect the service life of the product.

3. The ability of resistive screen reactance is weak, and the ability to prevent misoperation is poor. Anything touched will cause an action.

How to distinguish between capacitive screen and resistive screen:

Resistive screens do not support multi-touch, and can be manipulated with sharp, insulating objects such as fingernails and stylus. Capacitive screens rely on the capacitance formed by the human body and electrodes to achieve positioning, and must be touched through the skin or other conductive objects it can only be used, and the touch screen cannot be manipulated with fingernails, toothpicks, etc.

Which is better, capacitive screen or resistive screen?

Capacitive screens and resistive screens can be said to have their own advantages and disadvantages. Capacitive screens are already widely used in mobile phones.

1. The cost of capacitive screens is higher than that of capacitive screens. The production defect rate of capacitive screens is higher than that of resistive screens, and the service life is shorter than that of resistive screens. Resistive screens can generally be used for about three years, and capacitive screens can be used for about two years. .

2. The capacitive screen supports multi-touch, and the resistive screen can only support single-touch. However, capacitive screens need to be touched by conductive substances (such as skin), and resistive screens need a certain amount of pressure. Skin touch is ineffective (such as hard objects such as fingernails)