What is the difference between LCD screen residuals and burned screen?


There are often people because of the long time use of LCD LCD products lead to the phenomenon of image residue on the LCD screen, we call it burn screen, in fact, there is a difference between the two, today let sinda to introduce to you:

Users in the use of LCD products is the screen has been kept in the same still picture, and so on switch to another image can still see the shadow of the last picture on the LCD panel, this phenomenon is called the residual shadow, with the LCD screen on the screen keep transforming or close the LCD screen rest for a while, this residual shadow will disappear naturally.

Here comes another situation, generally if there is a burned screen situation is mostly due to long-term screen highlighting using the same LCD screen, just generally last a long time before the occurrence of burned screen, in fact, the phenomenon of burned screen is not often occurring, but as long as the appearance is irreversible. So in the usual use of attention to switch the screen after a while or do not need to use the dynamic screen saver is set to avoid the occurrence of these two phenomena.

The main difference between these two is:

Line shadow is short-lived: it will disappear after a while.

Burning screen is permanent: Burning screen is not disappear.