Arduino vs Raspberry Pi


Although Arduino and Raspberry Pi are different boards, sometimes we need make a choice before we use them.

What's the difference between them? A simple table below:

ArduinoRaspberry Pi
Microcontroller based on development boardSBC ( Single Board Computer )
Based on Atmel MicrocontrollersBased on Broadcom SoC
No need for an operating systemBased Linux Distribution, called Raspberry Pi OS
Usually used for running a single task repeatedlyCan preform multiple tasks simultaneously
Developed as open-source hardware and softwareHardware and firmware of Raspberry Pi are closed-source
Logic level is 5VLogic level of Raspberry Pi’s GPIO is 3.3V
No wireless connectivity in case of Arduino (at least on board)Has the hardware for Bluetooth and Wi-Fi on board

How to decide between the two boards, what you want to do in your project is important.

Let's have a review.

Arduino is good for repetitive tasks, usually used for beginners projects and quick electronics prototyping.

While Raspberry Pi could be suitable for performing multiple tasks, for some complicated projects.