Advantages and Disadvantages of TN Screen, HTN Screen, STN Screen, FSTN Screen, VA Screen


TN screen, HTN screen, STN screen, FSTN screen and VA screen are all LCD screens, which makes it impossible for many of us to choose. Today we will introduce the advantages and disadvantages of four common LCD screens:

TN LCD screen


1. Cheap

2. Wide range of applications

3. Easy to produce

4. Black and white display is the best


1. The viewing angle is narrow

2. Display mode is single

3. Only suitable for low-channel drive, high-drive contrast ratio is poor

Scope of application: Lower-end household electronic products such as calculators, electronic watches, telephones, game consoles, etc.

HTN LCD screen


1. The viewing angle range is wider than the TN screen

2. It is easier to produce

3. The price is cheaper


1. Poor contrast

2. The display effect is general

3. It is not suitable for the manufacture of high-drive LCDs, and the contrast ratio is poor.

Scope of application: General instruments or meters

STN LCD screen


1. Wide viewing angle

2. Diversified display modes

3. Wide range of use

4. It can realize multi-channel drive and display a large amount of information


1. The pair is made larger

2. High requirements for raw materials and high cost

3. High requirements for process equipment and low yield

Scope of application: Higher-end instruments or meters or wire bonding machines or notepads, etc.

FSTN LCD screen


1. It has all the advantages of STN screen

2. the background color is better


1. It has the disadvantage of STN screen

2. The cost is higher than STN (polarizer)

Scope of application: higher-end instruments or meters or wire bonding machines or notepads, etc.

VA LCD screen

VA LCD screens are now a large number of high-end LCD panel types, which are wide viewing angle panels. Compared with TN panel, 8bit panel can provide 16.7M color and large viewing angle, which is the high-end capital of this panel positioning, but the price is also more expensive than TN panel. VA panels can be divided into MVA panels dominated by Fujitsu and PVA panels developed by Samsung. The latter is an inheritance and improvement of the former. The front (front) contrast of the VA panel is the highest, but the screen uniformity is not good enough, and there is frequent color drift. Sharp text is its killer, black and white contrast is quite high