Sinda Display Attended The ELECTRONICA INDIA 2018 With Our Partners In India


The 19th electronica India came to a successful close at Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC) in India on September 28th, 2018. Electronica India is the leading International Trade Fair for Electronic Components, Systems and Applications in India, which assembles both manufacturers and suppliers of electronic and mechanical all over the world.

After a long period of elaborate preparation, Sinda Display featured in this exhibition with our partners in India among the same industry with its exquisite technology. Customized service and high quality of the products attract numerous businessmen’s staying, viewing, consulting and negotiating. Most of them are quite satisfied with it and reach a purchasing intention on spot.

This exhibition is not only a feast in the industry but also a harvest tour for Sinda Display. We are looking forward to meet all the friends on 20th electronica India in next year!